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Wednesday, February 3, 2016

How To Do Manicure At Home

There is a general saying that Your Nails Say About Your Health.. But most of the time we dont take proper care of our nails n hands other than applying body lotion and hand creams. As we do facials and pamper our face with massages in the same way we need to take that extra care for our hands and nails in order to have smooth supple hands. Due to lot of usage of nail polishes our nails turn yellowish, we need to scrub that off to give a healthy manicure. Once in a while or for some special occasion we all will go n get a professional manicure but knowing it how to do by yourself at home can save you a lot of money and time.So here I am going to share How to do Manicure at home..

  • Nail polish remover and cotton
  • Nail buffer
  • Bowl of warm water 
  • Bowl of cold water
  • Nail brush or old tooth brush
  • Cuticle oil or Vaseline
  • Nail clipper
  • Hand soap
  • Nail filer
  • Trimmer scissors or Cuticle trimmer
  • Cuticle pusher
  • Clean Towel
  • Small lemon slice
  • 6 Drops of Olive oil
  • 1 Table Spoon Salt
  • Lets start by removing the old chipped nail polish with nail polish remover and cotton.

  • Take a bowl of warm water add 2 drops of olive oil, 3-4 drops of lemon juice and 2 tea spoons hand soap.Olive oil gives moisture to dry hands while lemon act as whitener to nails to remove that yellow stain.
  • Soaks hands in the warm water for 2 minutes and pat dry with a neat towel.

  • Clip your nails with a Nail clipper and  shape them with Filer then Buff the nails with a Buffer. I am using Colorbar quickfix 4 way nail buffer which i bought it from India. It can shape, smooth, buff and polish the nails.

  • Take spoonful of salt add 4 drops of olive oil mix it, using Nail brush or old tooth brush scrub hands and nail with the salt mixture.Salt has soothing properties and can help in exfoliating.Be gentle while doing this make sure to do small circular movements with the brush to scrub off.

  • Wash hands in a bowl of cold water and pat dry.

  • Apply cuticle oil ( i dont have cuticle oil so using vaseline but for best results use cuticle oil) on to the cuticles and massage it till the products sinks into.

  • Using manicure kit tools which i recently brought this small kit from dollar tree u can read the full post here push the nail cuticles and scrape the dead skin out and also trim the dead skin. All these will help to get rid of dead skin and make healthy nail grow out.
Push the cuticles back 

Scrape it after pushing cuticles

Remove the dirt that accumulates at the back of your nails

Trim the dead skin 
  • Wipe out with a clean cloth and apply some moisturizing lotion and gently massage it into the skin.

  • Lastly complete it with applying some Top coat.
The desired result

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