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Saturday, January 30, 2016

Small Beauty/Skin Care Haul from Dollar Tree

Heylloo Friends How are you all?? How is your weekend going on?? Today I went to Dollar Tree to buy some random stuff. I picked up some Beauty/Skincare items and wanted to share them with you all..

NYC Expert Last Lipstick in 418 Sugar Plum 

Nail Polish Remover

Small Manicure Set 

Wet n Wild Wild Shine MatteTop coat and Revlon Nail Polish in Tantilize

Skin nutritions newyork Age defy ultimate Dark Spot Corrector and Age defy Dark Circle & Puffiness Serum

This is my small haul!! see you with next post.. byee.. thanks for reading..

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Chicken Pakoda/Pakora

Yesterday my Husband came early from office and asked me to make some Pakodas(Pakodas is his all time favourite snacks).As usual i wanted to make onion pakodas but then i peeped into my refrigerator to find anything else to make n i had chicken in my fridge so made this yummy chicken pakodas which both of us enjoyed it with a cup of Milk( we both dont drink Tea or Coffee).Like Tea Time Talks it was a Milk Time Talks!!!

Chicken Pakoda is a simple appitizer or a snack which can be prepared easily with very few ingredients. All that you need to do is marinate the chicken and mix it with besan and deep fry them and have them hot hot with Green chutney or some Tomato ketchup.


  • Besan/Gram Flour - 8 Table Spoons
  • Rice Flour - 4 Table Spoons
  • Oil - For Deep Frying
  • Boneless Chicken - 500grams(cut into small pieces)
  • Ginger Garlic Paste - 1 Table Spoon
  • Cumin Powder - 1 Tea Spoon
  • Red Chilli Powder - 2 Tea Spoon
  • Turmeric - 1/4 Tea Spoon
  • Garam Masala Powder - 1/2 Tea Spoon
  • Lemon Juice - 2 Tea Spoon
  • Salt - As Required
  • Oil - 1 Tea Spoon
All the spices quantity are according to my taste and can add or reduce them to your taste.

  • Take chicken(i used chicken thigh medium pieces) in a bowl and add all the ingredients under Marinate.Mix them well and allow it to marinate for half an hour to one hour even it can be refrigerated(but should bring it to room temperature before use).

  • After marinating it for half an hour add gram flour and rice flour to it and mix well. Gram flour is used as a binder while rice flour gives the crispness to the chicken.

  • Take a kadai or a pan put oil in it for deep frying.Let oil become hot enough on medium to high flame.

  • Deep fry the chicken in the hot oil until it turns golden brown and crisp.After frying take out the chicken from the oil and put them on a paper powel to remove extra oil. Dont put flame on high and fry them because chicken may not cook inside.

  • Serve chicken pakoda hot with Tomato ketchup, lime and onion.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Kadai Mushroom Masala

Mushrooms are my favorite in vegetarian.There are many recipes with mushroom like Mushroom biryani,Mushroom 65,Mutter Mushroom,Stuffed Mushroom etc.. Today i am going to share kadai Mushrom Masala.Kadai is a deep cooking Indian wok. This recipe gets cooked in the kadai with some freshly made masala hence the name Kadai Mushroom Masala.Lets see how can we prepare this..



Mushrooms slices- 500grams
Tomatoes chopped - 3 Big
Onion slices - 1 Big
Capsicum cubes - 1Big
Coriander Powder - 1Tea Spoon
Chilly Powder - 1/2 Table Spoon
Oil - 2 1/2 Table Spoon
Ginger Garlic Paste - 1 Tea Spoon
Turmeric - 1/4 Tea Spoon
Salt - As Required
Water - 1/2 Cup
Kasuri Methi - 1/2 Tea Spoon

Masala Ingredients:

Medium Red Chillies - 2
Cardamom Pods - 2
Clove - 3
Cinnamon - Small Piece
Black Pepper Cons - 1/4 Tea Spoon
Cumin Seeds - 1/2 Tea Spoon

  • Dry roast all the masala ingredients and put it in the blender to make a fine powder( i like it to be slightly coarse).

  • Take a Kadai put 1/2 Table spoon oil in it and let it get hot.Now add Onion slices to it and let it get fried.

  • After onions get fried add chopped Tomatoes allow tomatoes to cook completely.

  • Let the onion tomato mixture cool down and then blend them to smooth paste.

  • Take the same Kadai put 2 Table spoon oil into it and let it get hot on a medium flame.
  • Add big cubes of capsicum and onions(optional) and saute it for a minute then add ginger garlic paste and turmeric to it.

  • Add onion tomato paste to it, stir it then add red chilli powder, salt, coriander powder and 3/4 th of freshly made masala powder.

  • Mix everything and allow it to cook for 5 minutes by adding 1/2 cup water to it.
  • Now add cleaned and chopped mushroom pieces to it and again cook it by closing the lid for 10 minutes or until oil oozes out.(if required u can add little water)
  • Fry kasuri methi and crush it to fine powder and add it to the gravy.
  • Lastly add the remaining masala powder and mix it.
  • Kadai Mushroom Masala is ready!! serve it hot with Roti, Phulka aur Naan.

Monday, January 18, 2016

What's in my Sling bag!!

Heylloo Friends.. Today's Post is going to be about what i carry in my sling bag.Sling bags are very comfy to carry around for casual day outs and for shoppings.The bag that i carry is from a brand Lavie, which i bought it online from a website called when i was back in India. This is no-where a sponsored post i got this bag with my own money.

This is a black bag made of synthetic leather and has adjustable strap.It looks small but carrys all the essential daily stuff.

What I carry

A hand sanitizer, Lens case, small travel size lens solution(Forgot to show this in the pic) and Spectacles.Since I have eye sight i use contact lens on daily basis but at times my eyes get so tired that i remove lens and use spects.

Small hair brush from Faces Canada, Maybelline kajal, Maybelline baby lips, some wet tissues and a random Band-Aid.

A small wallet from Fastrack (its a gift from my brother), some gum and my Iphone 6s plus ear phones.

If you like this bag and wanted to purchase it you can buy it here.
Thanks for reading!!!! See yu all with an another post.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Happy Sankranthi!! and Sesame Rice Pudding Recipe

Heylloo Everyone... Wish You All  a Very Happy Sankranthi!!!

Sankranthi is a major Harvest Festival celebrated in India. Everytime it was soo much fun celebrating this festivals with flying kites and eating dishes specially made of sesame seeds and jaggery. Sankranthi comes in winter season and one needs to take food that generates heat in the body so it is said that sesame and jaggery provide enough heat to the body during winters.
Today i wanted to share a special Sankranthi dish that is Rice Pudding made of jaggery and sesame seeds powder.. lets begin



  • 1 cup Rice
  • 2 cups Water
  • 1 cup Jaggery ( if u want more sweetness u can add more)
  • 3 Teaspoon Sesame Seeds
  • 1 Tablespoon Ghee
  • 1/2 Teaspoon Cardamom powder
  • 2 Tablespoon  roasted Dry nuts

  • Soak rice for 15 minutes.

  • Dry roast Sesame seeds and grind them to fine powder.

  • Take a pan add ghee on medium flame. Remove water from soaked rice and fry them in ghee for a minute.

  • Add water to rice and allow it to boil. Cook rice completly till its done.(do not add jaggery before your rice is completly cooked, adding jaggery before will not allow the rice to cook)

  • Add jaggery to cooked rice n let it melt in the rice,keep stiring in between. Always adding crushed jaggery will make it easier but here i have added it as whole without crushing hence i added little water to it so that it wont get burned.

  • After jaggery melting completly add sesame seeds powder and mix it and cook it for 1-2 minutes.

  • Lastly add cardamom powder and dry nuts.If you want more richness just top it of with some more ghee and your Rice pudding is all Ready to serve.